
The body constantly seeks a state of equilibrium. At Health Healing Energy Ph.D. our focus is to achieve a spherical relationship between the body, mind, and spirit which is the key to optimal health. We help you access your body’s healing power which is always present within you.

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The Loving Muscle - Our Heart

The Loving Muscle - Our Heart

It’s the heart that matters most. We often experience different feelings when being surrounded by others, for example family dinner or holiday events. When a person emanates joyful vibes from a loving heart, others tend to feel good in their surroundings. These vibes further “circulate” to provide that joyful feeling to those present.

How much do you consider who is the host of an event? Because, it’s the qualities of the host which produces the emotional reactions in others. And when that is emphasized by a host who is joyful and compassionate the entire event is a hearty experience with freedom, openness, and a welcoming environment.

You may want to attribute those feelings to the décor, the extent of the event’s extravagance, food and entertainment, or being joined by a dressed-up group of friends, but these are just part of the physical components that make the event, be the event.                                                                                                        

It’s the heart that matters most. It’s the heart that transforms the physical properties of an event to create a memorable, joyful experience. Thus, our heart not only networks our internal organs, but also “pumps” our loving relationship with our friends, family, and society at large.   

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